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Americans Need Self Defense Skills!!

September 19, 2012

We are not historians or scholars but just observers of human nature. The spirit of America, when it gained its independence from Great Britian, was grounded in a faith in human freedom given from God. The early Americans fought for independence, prosperity, religious freedom, and etc. Americans back then had a “fighting spirit.” We fast forward to modern times the general population is dependent upon corporations and government for protection, food, and shelter. Modern day citizens do not realize that we become complacent in our lives where we are just happy to receive a paycheck to buy food and not paying attention to the corporations and governments that control market prices, resources and ultimately our behavior.  Over generations the spirit to fight injustice, oppression, or at least holding our society accountable to the quality of American life & ownership of resources has become distracted. How do we develop that focus and original fighting spirit our Nation’s forefathers had to fight for our independence?

There may be several ways, however, the only way we at International Kettlebell Kombat Fitness is to learn self-defense. Self Defense reawakens that God given right to protect oneself from harm. Protection from all types of Harm is not just physical but in addition to mental, emotional and spiritual harm.  Self-Defense training sharpens the will to not only survive but to neutralize our opponent whether it is a person, idea, principle, or a corporate body.

We need our American Citizens to get off the couch, turn off the TV (idiot box), get trained in Self-defense (with kettlebell fitness of course)  and wake up from complacency of Modern American Society.

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