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April 18, 2012

One of my top, all-time favorite superfood products is called Rejuvenate Plus!, formulated by Dr. Hank Liers. This is a nutrient-dense, high-protein and high-RNA superfood made with freeze-dried organic berries and achieving a very high ORAC value (antioxidants) while delivering superb taste. Yeah, it’s delicious. It tastes a lot like a fruit smoothie.

Now, Dr. Hank Liers has formulated a new flavor called Rejuvenate Strawberry-Peach Protein Plus.

Its ingredients are truly extraordinary. Rarely will you find this level of superfood quality in the industry, with ingredients like wild blueberry, tart cherries, resveratrol, Icelandic kelp, ginger root, garden sprout blend, amino acids, digestive enzymes, probiotics, D-Ribose, magnesium, rice bran solubles, trace minerals and much more (see complete list below). Most of the ingredients are certified organic.

The even better news is that because this is a new flavor, they have allowed NaturalNews to announce it and offer an exclusive discount to NaturalNews readers who want to acquire this at a substantially reduced price:

Simply use the code “REJUVENATE” at the following page:

This will give you discounts as follows:

• 15% off any purchase of 1 or 2 canisters • 25% off any purchase of 3 – 6 canisters • 35% off any purchase of 7 or more canisters

This is the deepest discount you will ever find on Rejuvenate, and this discount code is only good during this introduction of the new Strawberry-Peach flavor.

(Note: The coupon also gives you 15% off the entire store at

Why I endorse this superfood

On their website, you’ll find that Rejuvenate is Health Ranger approved and endorsed. For the record, I have never received any compensation for this endorsement. In fact, I never charge companies for such endorsements, and I only extend these awards a couple of times a year. I only put my personal reputation behind what I see as the very best products in the industry.

Because, truth be told, the natural products industry is like any industry in that there are both high-end and low-end products available. The low-end stuff is usually packed with fillers and cheap ingredients sourced from untrustworthy suppliers. Some companies just want to be able to slap “acai” on the label, for example, and they don’t care where it comes from. (I’ve exposed several acai berry scams, in fact, right here on NaturalNews.)

Dr. Hank Liers is different. These people really care about what they put into the product, and they eat it themselves. Fred Liers, Hank’s son, is extremely bright and super passionate about nutrition. He knows more about high-RNA nutrition than just about anyone I’ve ever met, and they originally formulated these superfoods because they wanted the highest quality food for their own children.

Because it tastes so good, I personally use Rejuvenate on a daily basis, along with 3-4 other superfoods that have become my “core” supply of supplemental nutrition. In fact, I’m going to take advantage of this introductory sale myself and probably order 7 or 8 canisters to keep on hand. I’ll put most of them in the refrigerator (or freezer), where they will easily store for a full year.

Getting these at this discount right now is, in my view, one of the best investments you can make in your nutrition (and hence your health). For the record, I am not compensated in any way on the sale of this product. In fact, I will actually spend money on getting more of this for myself.

Rejuvenate Strawberry-Peach Protein Plus ingredients

Rice Protein (Organic, 80%), Rice Protein (non-GMO, 48%), freeze-dried Vegetable Sprouts Protein (65% protein), Peach Powder (organic freeze dried), Strawberry Powder (organic freeze dried), Stabilized Rice Bran, Rice Bran Solubles, D-Ribose, Xylitol (organic hardwood), Inulin (chicory root), L-Glutamine, Magnesium Ascorbate, Organic Strawberry Flavoring, Glycine, L-Lysine – USP grade, L-Taurine – USP grade, Magnesium L-Malate, RNA Extract from Yeast, VitaBerry Plus, Organic Peach Flavoring, Organic Ginger Root Powder, Green Tea Extract (>50% EGCG), N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Organic Kelp Powder, Organic Vanilla Flavor, Protease/Cellulase/HemiCellulase, Chlorella Growth Factor, L-Malic Acid, Trans-Resveratrol, Trace Minerals Powder, Stevia Leaf Extract, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Selenium (from l-Selenomethionine).

VitaBerry Plus contains: Freeze-dried Grape Seed, Wild Blueberry, Wild Bilberry, Cranberry, Tart Cherry, Prune, Raspberry Seed, Strawberry, Resveratrol, and Quercetin

To get some now, simply use the code “REJUVENATE” at the following page:


– Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

From → Nutrition

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