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Self-Defense, Its about How you Train not what Style You train in!

December 8, 2011
We live in the information age where most of the globe has access to various styles of martial arts and combative concepts. This has led to more people to become proficient technicians of the martial arts.What I mean by technician is a person who learns series of arranged movements that may cause death or severe trauma without an awareness to the attacker’s threat level he/she is imposing. These technicians execute movements that has a predictable outcome of destroying thier opponent no matter the circumstances.Most people who watch these demonstrations would applaud with awe of the mastery of these technicians as they effortlessly handle thier opponent with devastating attacks that often leads to the severe trauma or death to the opponent. So now with this impression the novice to combat/martial arts/self defense is convinced that they must learn these techniques to “effectively ” defend themselves. They find a master technician of martial arts to show them lethal combinations of strikes, throws, locks, edged weapons and so forth.

This novice after many practice sessions becomes now a proficient technician of martial arts, until one day he is really challenged by street confrontation in the United States. During that confrontation the attacker initiates an unarmed attack, the master technician respond with his conditioned response to destroy his victim. It turns out he was successful in defending his own safety. Unfortunately, the attacker is now dead with repeated strikes to vital target areas. Now there was bystanders that witness the event. They saw the attacker blatantly defeated and also saw how this master technician kept his lethal arsenal of attacks until his opponent was dead. The police arrive, they take a report. Inevitably, this master technician is in front of the judge. Judge decision is manslaughter. Why? The threat the attacker posed did not warrant death by the hands of a “trained” civilian martial artist/combatant. The master technician is baffled because he responded exactly how he was trained.

How was he trained? He was trained for military warfare not civilian self defense within the United States Legal System. There is a big difference. You have to train responsibly. You have know what are the appropiate responses to the intent of the attacker. You do not respond in the same manner if your attacker is unarmed as they may be with an edge weapon or firearm.

I feel it is important for martial art/self defense practictioners to know the importance of threat levels within their training.

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