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Hybrid Practice Session

December 7, 2011
Definition of Hybrid Practice Session: Combination of different skill sets such as Kettlebell, Suspension Trainig, Ropes, Bodyweight, Martial Arts to elicit the high Metabolic Response for lean muscle adaptation and better athletic performance.Systems Check: my friend & former coach Junior Nartea coined this phrase. Check his website Systems Check is just dynamic movements that elecit correct neurological & biomechanic patterns to prevent injury and to make the mind and body prepared for the “Practice Session”Systems Check: Hand Walking 7x, Reverse Lunge Twist 7x, Side Lunge 7x, Singe Leg Balance 7x l,rPractice session: Do each exercise consecutively then rest 30 secs to 2 mins (depending on your conditioning) and start the sequence again until you have done 3 sets for each exercise.  Then continue with the Cool Down.

Kettlebell Practice:
KB Clean & Press 12-15 reps 3 sets
KB rows 12-15 reps 3 sets
KB floor press 12-15 reps 3 sets

Body Weight Practice:
Pistols l,r  12 reps 3 sets
Suspension Training Dips 7 reps 3 sets
Cool Down:

Deep Breathing & Joint Mobility

For deep breathing exercises, you must relax all the muscles in your body (lying, sitting or standing position is up to you) allow the your attention to be below your navel and let you breathing to fall naturally in this area. Exhale naturally.

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