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Fat Burning Practice Session

November 10, 2011
Warm up:
2 min Wall Squats ( face the wall with your toes touching the wall with your feet approx. shoulder width apart then sit back into a squat position without your face or knees touching the wall, return to standing position)Hindu Pushups 7 (Start in “downward dog position” then control your descent of your upper body towards the floor without your chest touching the floor but gliding right over it into a “Cobra position”. That is your hips dropped towards the floor with your head looking towards the ceiling. Then return to the downward dog position. Repeat 7x.Side Lunges 7x Practice with normal breathing and go deeply and safely as possible. Keep your back upright and really use your legs.

Back Brides 7x

Single leg Deadlift 7x ( without weights)

Practice Session: for each exercise choose challenging weight but remember you are putting high number of sets so choose the appropiate weight for yourself.

KB Swing 10 reps 8 sets with 10sec rest between each set.
rest 60 secs
Double KB Shoulder Press 10 reps 8 sets with 10 sec rest between each set.
rest 60 secs
KB Lunges 7 reps l,r  8 sets with 10 secs between each set.
rest 60 secs
Suspension Training Chest Press 70-90 degree angle 8 reps 8 sets 10 sec rest between each set.
rest 60 secs
1/2 TGU 5 reps each side 2 sets (Go heavy!)

Shadow kickboxing 2 minutes ( focus on form, breathing and flow) this helps integrate all muscles you worked….It feels great.

Cool Down:  Joint Mobility or whatever you like!

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