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How to Flow

November 9, 2011
Flow is here defined as sequence of movements (martial art or kettlebell/clubbell) where you mind and body is working harmoniously together to get the most effeciency and effectiveness towards power, body control, agility, alignment and mental focus.To Flow could be thought as being in the Zone for sport athletes but the experience is the same. You have focus, awareness, proper biomechanics, and the ability to execute whatever you need to at the given moment without unnecessary effort.

So How do we Flow?

1. Intent. Have a Clear and Concise Intent.
2. Need to know how to Relax within proper biomechanics, natural breathing and postural alignment (depends on the activity). Relax to the extent where you are effective and efficient. NOT To limp, NOT to Tense.
3. No thinking just execute. If you have the proper form or technique and have practice thousands of time until what you are doing is subconsciousness then you are ready not to think about what you are doing you are just doing it.
4. Rhythm.

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