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Why I love Martial Arts

November 3, 2011
Martial Arts to me is a complete way of life. My experience of martial arts is the totality of spirituality, self-defense, artistic expression and health. There should be no seperation between any of these aspects. The true purpose of martial arts is the cultivation, refinement and expression of the best attitude toward life. Martial arts for me has been the best way of learning life lessons because it provides a platform of such honesty that you are constantly looking in the mirror of yourself and you get to see your self as you are in that moment. You will see your strengths, weaknessness, your vices, your habits and etc. The platform supports the evolutionary process of improving yourself on all levels of your being because you are always incorporating your spirit, soul and body in every movement.Within my martial arts I pray,  train and eat with an attitude that brings about an awareness and understanding of what this life is really all about. When I practice my martial arts I feel a remembrance of who I truly am and where I came from and where I am heading. Its the complete liberation of my heart, soul and mind.

It gave me the will to live life boldly with joy, contentment and focus. I love it and will honor it by continually to learn and share my experience.

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