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Why I Love Kettlebells!

November 3, 2011
Kettlebells are great for me as a martial artist because its a dynamic resistance training tool that gives me so much more freedom of movement. In the gym the weight machines gives me limited options of how many ways I can express my strength. The machines do all the work for you. You sit or lie down (already this is a lazy way of trainng) and push, press, curl, extend or pull some weights that is guided by a pulley system.(this is lazy too.) Most of the time I just get bored plus my body and mind is learning only how to be supported by some machine that is guiding me do against resistance. I not saying its bad way of working out I am saying that it is a very limited way of working out. How does these movements from a machine gonna carry over to how I need to perform in every day life. The way I want to express myself is dynamic, with power, strength, flexibility, and it shouldn’t take a whole hour to accomplish that. Thats where the kettlebell comes in. The kettlebell provides the resistance, the freedom of movement, full range of motion and works the heck out of your core muscles in every movement you do. All this in just 20-30 minutes a day with just one tool.Oh yeah dumbells and barbells can give you more freedom than a weight machine but not as challenging as the kettlebell. The design of the kettlebell makes the weight not evenly distributed like a dumbell or barbell. These automatically makes your body trying to fight for more stability in your movements To achieve that stability your muscles and nervous system is constantly working harder by reassessing your positioning every second. That means you are totally engaged in the movement mentally and physically you are developing strength, power, endurance and flexibility as a whole unit. So whats the pros and cons of Kettlebells

Pros : Rapid Fat Loss, Supercharged Cardio, Improves Focus, more strength, more power, better flexiblity, perfect for rehab of the lower back, shoulder, easy on the joints

Cons: Without proper instruction by a qualified/certified instructor it can lead to injuries.

Buy High Quality Kettlebells with a Ebook on how to use them. Click Here

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