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Foundation Defensive Knife Training

November 2, 2011
Foundation Defensive Knife Training:Do minimum of 3 rounds. Aquire a skill takes a lot of repitition. Practice Diligentlty.

Footwork: Exploding Backwards 10x left leg lead, 10x right leg lead
Exploding Sidewards 10x  to left, 10x right
Pivoting off the front foot 10x to right, 10x to left
Pivoting off the back foot 10x right, 10x left

Bodywork: Move hips back 10x
Twist torso 10x left, 10x right

Handwork: Parry left 10x, Parry right 10x
Hinge Block 10x left, 10x right

Eyes: without moving head Look left 10X right 10x
Look Downward left 10x, Downward right 10X
Look Upward left 10x, Upward right 10x
Look Down 10x, Look Up 10x

These movements are just foundation exercises to develop attributes of agility, body control, and reflex skills to better execute your self-defense strategies and tactics. These are not the actually self-defense tactics. Please use your own common sense when you train.

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