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Workout of the Day

October 25, 2011
Warm Up:
Jump Rope 9 min total (3 rounds of 3 mins)3 Rounds:
Single Leg Suspension Squat 20 reps L,R
Suspension Training Muscle ups 5 reps
TGU 20Kgs 3 reps l, r
Bear Walk 10 yards forward
Power Wheel Ab roll out 10x
Pullups 7
Suspension Training Pushups 10 (90 degree Angle)

30 sec rest between rounds

Cool Down:
Scissor kicks 20
Crunches 30
Double KB 20 kgs Long Cycle ( clean + jerk) 10 reps * 5 sets 15 sec rest between sets
Cobra Stretch 10x
Joint Mobility: head, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, thoracic spine, hips, knees, ankles.


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