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Kickboxing & Kettlebell Practice Session

October 18, 2011
Warm up
TRX Squats 50
20 Cross Over Lunges
3 min Jump Rope
3 min. Tear Drop Bag: Double Left Kick, spinning low back kick, double right kick, spinning low back kick
3 min Muy Thai Bag: Bob Left & Right, right upper cut, left hook, right overhand, bob right & left, left upper cut, right hook, left overhand.
TRX Atomic Pushups 20
3 min Muy Thai Bag: Double Push kick left, right cross to the body, left hook to the body, Double Push Kick right, left cross to the body, right hook to the body, Double Push Kick left, right roundhouse kick to the head, Double Push Kick right, left roundhouse kick to the head
TRX Mountain Climbers 30
10 Leg raises
28Kgs Kettlebell squats (explosive tempo) 15 sec on 15sec rest 4x
7 pullups
28Kg Kettlebell clean and Press l,r 5x
Side Bridge left, right 30 secs each side
28Kg Toe Raises 20 reps
7 Pullups
Leg Raises 20
28Kg Single Leg Dead Lift l,r 3 sets of 5
Stretched and Joint MobilityBuy High Quality Kettlebells with a Ebook on how to use them. Click Here

Buy Portable Lightweight Suspension Training System here with DVD. Click Here.

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