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Emotional Content for Fighting.

October 13, 2011
Emotional Content for Fighting.To act from purely an emotional basis is not an habbit you want to rely upon. However, in the event where you are faced with a confrontational situation, and a emotion is stirred up within yourself with a disciplined mind you can direct the emotion that is productive. What I mean by productive is that you accomplish what needs to be done so that “percieved obstacle” is no longer an obstacle. The disciplined mind refers to the thoughts, beliefs & attitudes that you have internalize as your rules of engagement that leads you to action.  The content of your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes can be whatever you choose but I must caution you to choose wisely. If you discipline your mind with immoral and unreliable content then in my opinion that is a setup for disaster. Naturally, I would encourage you to put into yourself, the highest moral and practical information.

“To act from purely an emotional basis is not an habit you want to rely upon”. In various philosophical texts the ideal position of a warrior is one detached from his/her emotions. From this point of view one would ideally be able to act or respond to a confrontational situation that is most appropiate. The reason being that the emotional content blurs your percpetion on the actual reality of the situtation. Therefore, if you respond from an emotional position no matter the result of your actions your actions is still not based on a clear and truthful perception.

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