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25 min Bodyweight Movements

October 13, 2011
Warm Up
Joint Mobility exercises: ankle, knees, hips, shoulders, neck and spine.
light heavybag work for 1:30 mins
Lama Pai Kung Fu form 5 minutes.
Indian Clubbell Swipes left & right 1:30 min each side5 rounds
Kettlebell swings 16Kgs for 1 min (focusing on hard lock out pressing feet into floor )
TGU Kettlebell 16kgs for 5 reps each side
Chimpanze Stroll 30 secs
Jump Rope 2 mins barefoot (High Knees)
Muy thai Kicks double left, double right, right cross to the body, left hook to the body, left upper cut to the head, overhand right to the head 2 mins
Rest 1 min

Cool Down: Strecthing and Deep breathing exercises.


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