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Basics Pt. 2

June 4, 2009
You must initiate the proper distraction for your opponent in order to execute your technique effectively. In other words your opponent must feel pain. If you strike your opponent properly the pain should distract them. Thus you should be able to execute a technique to a position yourself where you have full control.Ex. if you someone grabs your arm, you strike to a target that is easily accessibly and causes the most pain in order for you to escape the hold. Then execute whatever technique to be in a position of full control.
I have seen some instructors demonstrate the escape without initiating pain. Well with a willing training partner it is ok, however facing someone who has every intent in causing you harm will have the aggression, the adrenaline, not to mention if they are intoxicated with any illlegal substance, the pain tolerance to resist your intent to execute your technique without the proper distraction first.
examples of initiating pain: Strike to groin, eyes, throat, floating ribs, and etc.
examples of techniques to follow through with: Arm-bars, throws, sweeps, push off, multiple strikes to other vital areas while keeping the opponent trapped and etc.
So to sum it up. Initiate pain, then follow through with whatever effective technique to have full control of the situation.
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