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Basic Concepts Pt.1

May 13, 2009

Ok now that I have mentioned the very essence of Kettlebell Kombat Fitness, which is knowing Yourself, now its time to address the “Technical Stuff”.


1. Breathing,  without breathe there is no life, and without proper breathing there is no life in your Martial Art/Self-Defense.  This is the foundation of everything, the precursor for all other technicalities of self-defense


2. Balance. Each step you make should position yourself where you can defend or attack without sacrificing your balance. This is establish through the practice of proper footwork.


3. Sensitivity. Typically I like using two man drills to work on sensitivity. Sensitivity is the ability to perceive/sense your opponents intention and act with the proper response. A lot of disciplines use things such as push hands, trapping techniques, but in essence you work with a partner who initiates an attack and you attempt to redirect, diffuse or simply stop the attack and respond with your own attack. 


4. Accuracy. Knowing where to attack and the ability to successful execute that attack. You have to become a student of Human Anatomy. You have to know the areas that can successfully stop your opponent. You have to know how to access areas of the body that can cause enough disruption in your opponents ability to attack. How to access is realizing how the body moves, how to manipulate your opponents body to position it so you have the most direct path to the destruction of that target. 


to be continued 

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