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The Ultimate Self Defense is Knowing Yourself

May 12, 2009
When there is peace and harmony within yourself, the movements of your body become natural and easy. There is no effort in your attacks, because the openings are just there. Your Defense is so relaxed but powerful because you are moving within the right flow and sequence. There is no thought on how to do or when do something it is just simply done. Repetition of techniques can show you the correct mechanics, but only through listening can you really respond appropriately.
The real enemy is the one who voices fear, or anger, or any emotion that brings out of the state of grace. Only through the constant entertainment of these things do we loose our peace. That is why the “Ultimate Self Defense is knowing Yourself.” Know yourself and your relationship with Jesus the Son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the enemy movements become so obvious. Know Yourself and God truly, and it is Peace that is there..
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