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About Us

Kettlebell Kombat Fitness is the sum of all effective principles from various scientific research in regards to Self-Defense, Warriorship, and Health. Kettlebell Kombat Fitness is an assertive approach in eliminating our own weaknesses as well as defending our body and mind from legitimate external nonhealthy factors/activities/persons.Kettlebell Kombat Fitness is a proponent for nuturing our health as the source of having a strong constitution that gives us the ability, awareness and willingness to protect and serve our community, family as well as the individual.Kettlebell Kombat Fitness utilizes formats such as Strength Conditioning, Nutrition, Self Defense tactics, & Martial Art Movements to help those to be informed and effective.We rather teach, educate, motivate 10 people of sincere desire to better themselves than a 1000 people who are looking for the next fad.

We are not making the System more important than The INDIVIDUAL. The purpose of  our system is to provide a structure so that the Individual is educated to the extent that he/she can decide what is best for themself in regards to thier our personal protection, health and wellbeing.

We are not about putting down or upholding any other system. What matters most is the growth of the INDIVIDUAL and the healthy impact he/she has on their own life and others.

We are not uptight. I know for the sake of being a warrior sometimes people think he or she must be serious all the time. Warriors can laugh and enjoy life to the fullest because they realize all things, conditions, and even people are temporary. What matters most is being effective in the present by holding whats is most important in his/her mind & heart.

Kettlebell Training In The Age Of Quarrel DVD Set 
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